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   Здружение за еманципација, солидарност и еднаквост на жените.








EU - Media Freedom at Risk: 2024 Report

Media_freedom_Report2024.pdf (dq4n3btxmr8c9.cloudfront.net)

EU - Liberties’ Media Freedom Report 2024: Freedom of the Press Reaching Breaking Point

Media freedom and pluralism are flailing across Europe, and in some countries, are on their last legs. The European Media Freedom Act will bring some improvements, but on its own is not enough to rescue a struggling media landscape.

By Eleanor Brooks

April 29, 2024 - Liberties Media Freedom Report 2024 reveals that media freedom and media pluralism are close to breaking point in many EU countries, while in others, a near-total overhaul is required to address chronic, systemic issues with only a limited number of exceptions. The continued erosion of media freedom is evidenced by widespread harassment of journalists and governments restricting access to information. Meanwhile, heavy media ownership concentration and threats to the independence and finances of public service media contribute to a shrinking media plurality.


UN Declares 2026 International Year of Women Farmers

UN declares 2026 'International Year of Women Farmers' (azernews.az)

By Nazrin Abdul, AZERNEWS

3 May 2024 - The UN General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution designating 2026 as the "International Year of Women Farmers," highlighting the challenges encountered by women in agricultural systems worldwide, Azernews reports.

The resolution underscores the importance of addressing these obstacles and emphasizes initiatives aimed at promoting awareness, implementing effective policies, and adopting measures to support women in agriculture.


State of Civil Society 2024: A World of Crises: CIVICUS

Direct Link o Full 140-Page 2024 Civicus Report;

state-of-civil-society-report-2024_en.pdf (civicus.org)



Civil society is being tested like never before by a series of multiple and accelerating crises. Amid growing conflict and repression, in 2023 civil society faced mounting obstacles that made it harder to do its essential work of helping people, making their voices heard and upholding human rights. But civil society still managed to hold the line and make a difference to many. It’s still a vital source of hope. The world is currently in a dire state – but it would be much worse were it not for civil society.


2024 RSF World Press Freedom Index

Reporters Without Borders Country RANKINGS on Press Freedom: Index - RSF  

2024 RSF World Press Freedom Index

2024 World Press Freedom Index – Journalism Under Political Pressure

Press freedom around the world is being threatened by the very people who should be its guarantors – political authorities. This is clear from the latest annual World Press Freedom Index produced by Reporters Without Borders (RSF). This finding is based on the fact that, of the five indicators used to compile the ranking, it is the political indicator that has fallen most, registering a global average fall of 7.6 points.




Семејно насилство

Човекови права во здравствена заштита

Фискална Транспарентност 

Центар за правна помош

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